The sophisticated driving device of a belt conveyor is an intricate assembly comprising an electric motor, coupling or hydraulic coupling, reducer, and transmission drum, among other components. For belt conveyors with inclined sections, it is essential to incorporate brakes or backstops as per requirements. The principal role of the driving device is to channel gravitational force to the conveyor belt through friction with the transmission drum, thus facilitating seamless movement and efficient goods transportation. (Click to explore "Specific Applications and Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of 9 Drive Devices for Belt Conveyors, Help You Choose the Right One") The majority of belt conveyors employ a single drum drive; however, with the escalating capacity and distance of transport, the traction force exerted by the drive drum proportionally increases. This progression has led to the advent of double drum and multi-drum drives. Each transmission drum is adaptable to one or two drive units, with the terminal of the transmission drum shaft coupled to the drive unit. Typically, electric motors and coupling-driven motors utilize Y-series cage type motors, which are renowned for their compact size, cost-effectiveness, robust reliability, and ease of automation. For smaller power demands (≤ 37kW), an elastic coupling allows direct drive. Conversely, for higher power (45-315kW), a hydraulic coupling is recommended to ensure a smooth start-up process. In high-power scenarios (220-800kW), a wound motor becomes advantageous, providing easy regulation and enabling a smooth start for long-distance belt conveyors, adeptly addressing the power balance challenges of multi-drum drives. Apart from cylindrical gear transmission, contemporary large-scale belt conveyors frequently adopt bevel gear reducers, optimizing the lateral dimensions of the conveyor drive device. For mobile belt conveyors, minimizing their weight is crucial; hence, the transmission device often employs belt, chain, or first-stage open gear transmission. Moreover, alternatives like a cycloidal pinwheel reducer or an electric drum may also be considered for enhanced performance.